Entry Presentations
Let’s have a look at your first entries, in this order: Aiya, Iclal, Pie, Krishna, Aina, Jason, Gabriella, Icey, Blossom, Jeremiah, Zoe, Elle, Wei Ki, Antara, Shreya.
We won’t have presentations every class, but your first entry is nice to show. To give a fair amount of time to everyone, you will have 3 minutes to show.
I want to know:
- the general idea
- 1 thing you found easy
- 1 thing you found confusing
10-minute break
Based on what you all just shared, I will answer a few common questions.
Intro to CSS
Today’s lecture is an intro to CSS.
Next class
Your second entry is due next class. This time, you can use CSS.
Submit the URL of your site to Canvas, like so: