Theme Presentations
Let’s have a look at your theme presentations, in this order: Shreya, Antara, Wei Ki, Elle, Zoe, Jeremiah, Blossom, Icey, Gabriella, Jason, Aina, Krishna, Pie, Iclal, Aiya
To give a fair amount of time to everyone, you will have 5 minutes to present.
10-minute break
Intro to HTML
Today’s lecture is an intro to HTML.
Hello, World
We will go over setting up your (presumably) first HTML file, and setting up your site with it. is a great platform to look at and collect your own reference material. For instance, here’s a great collection of sites that utilize basic HTML:
Next class
Your first entry is due next class. You can only use HTML for this entry. Submit the URL of your site to Canvas, like so: