Harmonic Collection

In mathematics, a sequence is defined as a series of numbers arranged in a predictable pattern. It’s a type of number set which follows specific, definite rules. When translated to design, sequencing is a natural part of systems – each individual item has unifying elements that when looked at as a whole, tells a larger story.

In this class you’ll create a Harmonic Collection that explores a theme of your choice. Each week, you’ll design and code an entry into your collection that makes use of the design focus and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills we’re developing. First, you will pick a theme of your choice (think of it as the overarching concept you’ll explore through a series of sketches). Your theme should be open-ended enough to encourage a range of content, but specific enough to inspire an idea each week for twelve weeks. (Example themes: Your daily commute, songs you heard while walking around New York, interesting words you came across in articles this week). In the final weeks of the semester, you’ll refine your 10 entries so that they communicate a clear exploration and deliver a website that houses all of them together. You might need to re-organize or add additional content to your container or entries to fully realize your idea.


You will make use of a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to communicate a story.

The website will be designed for this screen size: 1920×1080px

In future semesters you will explore other screen sizes (such as mobile), but for your (presumably) first websites, it is more helpful to focus on just one size.

Minimum Requirements

Midterm Edit

For Midterms, we will have a one on one meeting. At that time, you will present a refined iteration of your current collection. Prior to this meeting, you’ll chat with your fellow classmates about the following questions:

Past Examples